Thank you to all those who contributed pledges to our dance-a-thon fundraiser! In total, we collected $4075. Fantastic work, everyone! This money will help off-set the cost of the brand new projector screen in our gymnasium and go to support additional resources for student learning.

We wish to thank all parents who were able to help supervise students during the dance-a-thon. We knew we have students who have amazing dance moves, but our parent volunteers really showcased their dance moves as well! It truly was a fun time for all! An extra big thank you to our fabulous School Council Fundraiser Co-ordinator, Mrs. Yorke, and our School Council Chairperson, Mrs. Rose for the many hours they put into making this fundraiser possible.

Ms. Crossman’s and Ms. Balesdent’s JK/SK class, as well as Mr. Read’s grade 6 class were the winners of the class pizza party for collecting the most pledges. Our grand prize draw winner for the brand new bicycle donated by Gino’s Pizza was Lincoln.

Congratulations, Bears! Check out the attached short video of our dance-a-thon put together by Mr. Gallas!