With the cooler days approaching, we are excited to be offering another partnership with Brantview Apples & Cider for our fall fundraising this year. Support our fundraiser and enjoy delicious fall harvest products just in time for Thanksgiving from Brantview Farm! It’s not just about the apples – have you tried their donuts, pies or ciders? Even more amazing is that it is delivered right to your doorstep at no charge!

It is easy, local, consumable and, for every order placed in the month of October, 10% of the sales go towards our Bridgeport Public School. This fall, we are fundraising for extra classroom supplies.

Order your apples and yummy treats starting October 1 at  https://howell-road-cider-co.square.site.  Deliveries made every week on Thursdays.

For ordering details, see the school council letter that was sent home in your child’s backpack this week.  flyer  letter