Update Regarding Elementary Progress Report Cards

We appreciate the ongoing patience and support of parents/guardians during this time of province-wide labour unrest and uncertainty in our schools. Given the current cumulative impact of provincial labour action on the part of elementary teachers and WRDSB support staff (secretaries, custodians and supervision monitors in schools as well as some central staff), the Waterloo […]

Update Regarding Withdrawal of Extracurricular Activities

On Oct. 22, the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) announced that they would be escalating their current job action next week, if a provincial agreement is not reached. As per their news release, beginning Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2015, elementary teachers and occasional teachers will withdraw from all voluntary extracurricular activities in Ontario public schools, […]

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Important Information Regarding Rentals & Community Use of Schools

Educational Support Staff/Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (ESS/OSSTF) and the Custodial and Maintenance Association/Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (CAMA/OSSTF) are currently in ongoing province-wide labour negotiations with the Government of Ontario and the Ontario Public School Boards Association (OPSBA). As a result, members of ESS/OSSTF and CAMA/OSSTF are taking part in a legal job sanctions. […]

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