The goal of the greening plan is to provide shade, wind protection and an outdoor natural play/learning environment that benefits staff and students. This is planned as the first phase of a larger greening initiative that will incorporate continued input from the school community as plans progress.

The site plan was prepared by Evergreen and approved by the WRDSB. Our Greening Committee worked with Krista Long, School Ground Design Consultant Evergreen/WRDSB, and Rob Seeley from the WRDSB to ensure we have experienced input into our plans for planting trees and creating an appropriate green space for the designated area. The focal area for this project is located between the blacktop and the soccer fields, as well as the Kindergarten play area.

The plan incorporates a total of twelve trees, twelve armor stones, two seat logs and a natural mulched pathway. As well, a larger tree is planned for the Kindergarten play/outdoor learning space to provide more shade for the students and staff in that south-facing area.